Socio-Cultural Ethnographic Notes E-zine

Do I need to be an academic to submit to SCENE-zine? No.

Date: tbd

theme: “from the back of a horse”

We have two “In-dialogue” sections for this issue. One is with a horseman about how the world looks different from the back of a horse. The other is with a woman who discovered horsemanship later in life.

How does your relationship with the world or yourself change with your relationship with horses?

deadline: closed

Date: tbd

theme: wildfire

deadline: closed


If you have an idea that we do not cover in the format guide, or a question about the guidelines, then send us an email:
gulletdigest [at]


For the academics:
We do not only look for relevant, high-quality content. We also look for participant-communication. Read about it here.


Special-interest journalism, ethnographic writing, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, poetry, etc. We love a wide variety of written forms and expression.

Sharing your research? The same rules apply.

Does your writing pair with a visual component? See below.

  • Article/essay/research report: max 2000 words
  • Ethnographic vignette: max 1200 words
  • Creative non-fiction: max 2000 words
  • Flash fiction and postcard stories: max 300 words
  • Poetry: 3-5 at a time
  • FILE TYPE: pdf, docx, rtf


Collages, painting, drawing, comics, photography, diagrams, etc.!

Do you have a video to share? It might not work on the zine platform, but we can make it work on the website. If accepted, it will still be a part of the launch. Send it in!

If you have a file SIZE or TYPE that is not working with the submission form, then please send us an email and we will make sure we get it to the editors.

Does your visual art pair with a written component? If it is longer than 100 words, then see above for limitations. If not, then send it in an accompanying document (pdf, docx, rtf).


Do you have audio you would like to share? It might not work with the zine platform, BUT we can make it work on the website. If accepted, it will still be a part of the launch, and we will make it work! Send it in and we will see what we can do.

  • Length: we are flexible with this, but try for under an hour. That feels reasonable.
    Eg. If you want to send in an album or your mixtape that matches the theme/topic, we are not going to stop you. Just make sure it is under an hour.
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